Tuesday, February 16, 2016

designs of the Creator

"The Creator made Italy from designs by Michelangelo " --Mark Twain

Since we returned from our trip to Italy I have been asked "What was your favorite art, museum or antiquity that you visited?"
I would have to say my favorite work of art out of thousands of the world's greatest achievements to be found in Italy was this one. The statue of Moses in the church of San Pietro in Vincoli in Rome (The name means St Peter in Chains). 
The marble statue is massive, the weight of all of God's love and anger seems to be bursting from the figure. Moses is shown as a powerful yet emotional man.
I stood in the crowd of tourists with my little sketchbook and pen for as long as possible. 
(I was undeterred by the jostling of backpacks, and tourists of all nations, especially the ones who push in close just to get their own photo taken with a masterpiece)